MERN STACK Web Development

MERN STACK Web Development is occupying a special place in the industry market.

Shahriar Abrar Himel
4 min readJan 22, 2022


And the rate of earning in this sector is relatively high. This does not mean that money will fall from the sky. For this, you must learn Web Development well. Kest will not match without trouble, brother, keep in mind.
MERN STACK is actually the name of some of the most sought-after technologies in the world today.
M = Stands for MONGO
R = Stands for React
E = Stands for EXPRESS
N = Stands for Node
Mongo, Express, React & NodeJS, MERN.
MERN STACK Technology is one of the biggest companies like Facebook, Instagram, Uber, Food Panda, etc. Who uses it to keep pace with today’s era.

Most people have problems starting out. They do not understand how to start and move forward. Today’s article is for them.

1)Basic Internet:-Learn how the Internet works, what HTTP is, how the web is displayed in the browser??

2)Git and GitHub: Git is a version control system for open-source software that makes the work of all the developers who contribute to that project much more accessible.

3)HTML5:-Learning the basics of web development and HTML. You have to start learning with the mind from the beginning.
Web Development Relate Ask any questions you may have to Google Mama. You will get whatever you want from Mama.

4)CSS3:-Apply colors to the website — learn CSS. CSS will be the body if you think HTML is a skeleton. Keep learning CSS and make some Simple Static websites.

5)Responsive Web Design: Nowadays, people usually use various devices. So designing a website for just one device can lead to many problems when using another device.
To solve this problem, you need to learn how to make the website responsive using CSS Media Queries.

6)CSS Framework:-
i)Bootstrap:-Bootstrap is easily used to create responsive designs. After learning HTML, CSS and JS well you can learn Bootstrap. This will make it easier for you to do your job. And your time will be saved.
ii)Tailwind Css:-Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework to rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.

7)JavaScript:-You need to learn how to convert static websites to dynamic websites. You need to know the basics and fundamentals of JavaScript at this stage. If you can learn JavaScript well, your web development career will be 1 step stronger.

8)Modern JavaScript:- ES6 Learning Once your basics are strong, you need to delve deeper into JavaScript. Learn advanced JavaScript topics, such as OOP, Object manipulation. Then you have to learn more about the various concepts of ES6, such as requests and promises, arrow functions.

9)Basic API:-Need to know about API. Learn how API works.

10)DOM:-DOM is the use of JavaScript with a website. Learn how to manipulate HTML using JS Dom and dynamically style add and remove pages on the site. Dom brings the webpage to life by making it dynamic. Learn DOM manipulation well, then do some projects.

11)JS Front & Framework:-
i)React:-React JS is one of the groundbreaking tools for front-end web development. It is an interactive user interface (UI) based JavaScript framework. Reusable React Library helps reduce rapid development and coding errors in less time with code.
ii)Angular.js:-AngularJS is a standalone JavaScript framework for single-page applications (SPA).

After completing all these, you will qualify for an intern as a front-end developer.

To become a back-end developer, you must first learn a programming language. It can be JavaScript Python ,or PHP.

12)Database and Mongo DB: A database is required to store the data on the website. So that you can use this data again later as needed. So you have to learn the database. There are many types of databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.

13)NodeJS:- Node JS is the best choice for this. Node JS runs JavaScript code. You need to learn the node’s framework express with node. You need to know how to use API, Rest. Once you have mastered it well, there is nothing wrong with calling you a small full-stock developer.

14)data structure and algorithm:-As a developer or a programmer, you need to know some basic programming knowledge. So even if it is something essential, you need to see some data structure and some basic algorithm. In addition to this, you have to have a general idea about object-oriented programming.

15)Deploy: Finally, you need to develop a website. You can use Heroku, Docker, and AWS for this. Do new projects now and test your own skills.

Along with this, we may have to learn a lot more about accessories. However, this information is sufficient as a complete guideline. And this is how you become a Mern stack web developer.
The most popular websites for beginners to learn are:

written by:-
Shahriar Abrar Himel
MERN-Stack Website Developer || Android & Cross-platform App Developer
#MERN #mernstack



Shahriar Abrar Himel

Programmer | Tech Writer | Full Stack Web developer | MERN stack expert | App Developer